Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Gosford Pre-School Inc. is a community based approved provider of early childhood education and care services.
Gosford Pre-School Inc. is an Incorporated Association formed under the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 and associated Regulations.
Governance is the responsibility of the Committee.
Governance is about ensuring:
The Committee is elected by members of the Gosford Pre-School Inc. Association each year at the Annual General Meeting.
Members of the Association come from parents/carers of the Pre-School and members of the community who have an interest in the well-being and operation of the Pre-School, and who have applied for and been approved for membership of the Association by the Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
Gosford Pre-School Inc is a complex business requiring different skills and experience in its governing body.
Please refer to the Committee’s Code of Conduct and individual Committee Member Role Descriptions for further information.
Enquiries about nominating for the Committee are always welcomed.
Please email the President for more information at